Samar K
Speaks: Arabic , English
Certified teacher 5-10 Total years of experience
Location: Latakia, Syria
Nationality Syrian
مدربة تنمية بشرية معتمدة خبرة ٣ سنوات
subjects Decisions making skills, Job interview preparation , Stress management, Human resource management, Leadership /teamwork skills, resumes and cover letters, Public speaking, Human development
No statistics available
Matching score: Appropriate
50 USD/Hour
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About the tutor
مدربة تنمية بشرية معتمدة من المركز الدولي للبناء الانساني ICHC T.O.T شهادة تدريب مدربين من ICHC HRM شهادة ادارة موارد بشرية من ICHC NLP شهادة ممارس متقدم من البورد الالماني German Board شهادة مدرب محترف من المشروع الوطني للتنمية مدربة اتيكيت و فنغ شوي
Which students want to teach and train?
Student's gender he teach Both (Male/Female)
Student's level he teach College/University,Adult/professionals;
Teaching Experiences
Country of Experience Syria
Experience years 5
Student levels that had been taught College/University,Adult/professionals
Tutor 's availability
Contact the tutor to book your first lesson
This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, you might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .
20:00 - 23:00
20:00 - 23:00
20:00 - 23:00
Instructor Reviews
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Teaching Method: Online lesson ,
Hourly rate: 50 USD Online lesson |
Lesson cancellation policy: Full refund if you cancel the lesson within one hour of booking creation or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Also, your first hours is protected by our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” policy.
Background check passed: on 16/08/2020
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Single booking
Lesson duration from 20-180 minutes
One lesson /60 mins
Discount depends on package hours
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